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In the tranquil El Valle de Antón, the next hike was on the agenda. After our forced march up Cerro Tute in Santa Fé, we chose our next trail carefully. We had survived the previous hike without sore muscles or other injuries, so we were confident that we would be able to start a wonderful tour again this day. Today we were going to Cerro Cara Iguna. A viewpoint on the volcanic crater with breathtaking views of the valley with the town of El Valle de Antón and ideal for orientation for future adventures!
From the city center, better said from our accommodation Bodhi Hostel & Lounge, we started our tour. At the beginning you simply cross the main street and turn left into the next side street. Here the way leads you past the Butterfly Haven to the next crossroad, where you have to keep right. Almost at the end of the road you have to turn left again and from here on you follow it for some time. At the fork in the road keep left and the road gives way to a gravel path. Just continue on the path and at the last fork a small trail leads upwards. You will recognize the fork by a small run-down hut and a somewhat outdated sign will show you the way. From here on there is only one path, which first winds through a pine forest and then through tall green grass swaying in the wind.
We ran the last few meters to our destination, as rain clouds were already gathering in the distance. Thus, the top priority was to be able to enjoy at least a few moments of this breathtaking view before the rain set in. We made it to the edge of the volcano in time. The clouds did not come over the heights of the sleeping giant even during the day and so we enjoyed our time on the mountain. The ocean in the distance, the rain clouds and the valley quietly in front of you, what more could you ask for? Unfortunately, the lens of the drone was slightly fogged due to the high humidity, so the quality of the images is not outstanding. On the way back, we strolled through the city and enjoyed the weather, the beautiful landscape and marveled at the villas of the valley.

All in all, the hike to Cerro Cara Iguna was a perfect introduction to one of the greatest adventures in Panama, El Valle de Antón! In the largest populated volcanic crater in the world, there are other incredible corners to discover besides this hike, such as the natural pool Chorro las Mozas!